NCERT Class 6 History Notes For Chapter 2 From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food

From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food

Hunter-gatherers lived in the subcontinent about 2 million years ago.

They hunted wild animals, gathered food, and moved from place to place.

  • Tools were made of wood, stones, and bones for hunting, chopping fruits, wood scraping, skin peeling, etc.
  • Fire was used by them for cooking, heating, and scaring wild animals.
  • Due change in climate around 12000 years ago grasslands developed.
  • Herding, rearing animals like sheep, and goats, and fishing became common.
  • Grain-bearing grasses like wheat, rice, and barley grew naturally and were later cultivated by people.
  • Paleolithic sites have been found at Hunsgi.
  • Different plants grow in different conditions.
  • Different animals also require different environments.
  • People became herders. The Dog was the first animal to be tamed along with sheep, goats, and cattle.
  • Grains were stored in clay pots, woven baskets, etc. They were used as seeds or food.
  • Animals were a source of food, milk, and meat.
  • Evidence of burnt grain and remains of plants and animals at certain sites have been found.


NCERT Class 6 History Notes For Chapter 2 From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food


  • The site at Burzahom has evidence of pit houses dug into the ground.
  • The period from 10,000 years ago has been termed the Neolithic period. Polished tools like mortar pestles have been found.
  • Evidence shows that cotton could now be grown and cloth could be weaved.
  • Herders and farmers lived in groups called tribes. They followed certain rituals and practices.
  • Mehrgarh near Bolan Pass was one of the earliest villages. People grew wheat and barley.
  • Excavations indicate different levels of development.
  • Remains of houses have been found which were either rectangular or square.
  • Several burial sites have been found where remains of goats etc. have been found.
  • Excavation at Daojali Hading near Brahmaputra Valley shows remains of different tools and Jadeite, a stone probably brought from China.

From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food Keywords

NCERT Class 6 History Notes For Chapter 2

From Hunting Gathering To Growing Food Date Line

Paleolithic Age 2 million years ago to 12000 years ago.

Mesolithic Age 12,000-10,000 years ago, Beginning of domestication

Neolithic Age 10,000 years ago

Settlement Near Mehrgarh about 8000 years ago

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