Mandibular Retroguathism Question And Answers

Miscellaneous Short Essays

Mandibular Retroguathism

Question 1. Mandibular retroguathism.

  • Refers to more backward placement of jaw.

Features of retrognathism:

  • Facial profile – convex
  • Facial divergence – Posterior divergent
  • Anteroposterior relation – Class 2
  • Mento labial sulcus – Deep
  • Hyperactive mentalis activity
  • Reduced nasolabial angle

Treatment of retrognathism:

  • In growing patients – Myofunctional therapy Ex. Activator, FR2
  • In non-growing patients
    • Orthodontic camouflage – Extraction of 1st premolars
    • Mandibular advancement

Question 2. Causes of Canine impaction.

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Causes of Canine impaction

Question 3. Mechanism of Bone Growth.

Bone Deposition and resorption

  • Together with bone deposition and resorption is called bone remodeling

Effects of bone deposition and resorption:

  • Change in size
  • Change in shape
  • Change in proportion
  • Change in bone relationship with adjacent structures

Cortical Drift

  • Movement of bone occurs towards bone deposition called cortical drift
  • If bone deposition and resorption are equal
  • Thickness of bone remains, constant
  • If bone deposition is more than resorption
  • The thickness of bone is more toward the deposition


  • Movement of whole bone as a unit

Primary displacement:

  • Displacement of bone as a result of its own growth

Secondary displacement:

  • Displacement of bone as a result of growth of adjacent bone

Question 4. Causes of Root resorption.

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Causes of root resorption

Question 5. Envelope of Discrepancy.

  • It helps in treatment planning
  • The choice of treatment depends on the movement of the teeth required
  • By orthodontic (fixed mechanotherapy) the tooth can be moved only at a specific distance

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

  • If the movement of teeth beyond this limit is required, orthopedic/functional appliances can be used
  • Beyond this limit, the treatment of choice is orthognathic surgery

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Fixed Mechanotheraphy

Question 6. Self-correcting Anomalies/Transient Malocclusions.

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Anomalies

Miscellaneous Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. Apertognathia.

It is a condition in which there is space between upper and lower teeth when some teeth are in contact at one/more points

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Apertognathia

Question 2. Growth site and Growth center.

Growth site:

  • These are growth fields that have a special significance in the growth of a particular bone
  • Posses intrinsic growing potential
    Example. Condyle, maxillary tuberosity

Growth Centres:

  • These are growth sites that control the overall growth of bone
  • Have growth potential
    Example. Epiphyseal plates of long bones

Question 3. Cranial Base Flexure.

  • During the embryonic phase, the cranial base is flexed between the pituitary fossa and sphenoccipital junction
  • It is accompanied by developing brain stem

Cranial Base Flexure Results

  • Downward placement of foramen magnum
  • Aids in increased neurocranial capacity
  • Downward displacement of the face
    Age: 10th week of IU life, Angle – 65th

Question 4. Carpal Index.

  • One of the skeletal maturity indicator
  • Used as a part of hand wrist
  • Carpals – consist of eight small bones arranged in

Proximal Row

  • Scaphoid
  • Triquetral
  • Lunate
  • Pisiform

Distal row

  • Trapezium
  • Trapezoid
  • capitate
  • Humate
  • These bones show specific patterns of appearance, ossification, and union
  • These are compared with standards

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Anatomy of hand wrist

Question 5. Torquing Auxillaries.

Torquing Auxillarie Springs:

  • Made of stainless steel /Ni – titanium
  • Force exerted is directly proportional to the diameter and modulus of elasticity of the material of the wire
  • Stainless steel exerts greater force

Question 6. Sterilization in Orthodontics.

Definition: Defined as the destruction of all life forms

Types of Instruments:

  • Critical – Penetrate the mucosa
  • Semi-critical – Touches mucosa but does not penetrate
  • Least critical – Surfaces touched during treatment

Instruments Requiring Sterilization:

  • Mirrors
  • Explorers
  • Banding and bonding instruments
  • Bands
  • Pillers
  • Ligature directors

Question 7. Growth Trends.

By overlapping consequent cephalograms Tweed, designed a pattern of growth called “Growth trends”


Type A

  • Simultaneous growth of maxilla and mandible
  • 25% of case
  • ANB angle unchanged

Type A subdivision

  • Protruding maxilla
  • ANB angle increased

Type B

  • Increase in maxillary growth

Type B subdivision

  • ANB angle large
  • Unfavorable

Type C

  • Increased growth of the mandible
  • Decreased ANB angle

Type C Subdivision

  • Mandibular incisors touches lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors

Question 8. Growth Curve.

  • Indicates the degree of difference between two growing individuals in all four planes including the time factor
  • As everyone does not have the same growth pattern, deviation from normal growth pattern cannot be diagnosed
  • Thus the growth of such individuals is compared with a standard growth chart

Question 9. Fontanelles.

  • They bridge the gap between bones that limit them.
  • Made up of durameter, primitive periosteum and aponeurosis

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Fontanelles

Frontanelles Importance:

  • Indicates brain development
  • A depressed level indicates dehydration
  • Increased level indicates increased intracranial pressure

Orthodontics Miscellaneous Fontanelles and sutures in neonatal skull

Question 10. Safety valve mechanism.

  • Increase in inter-canine width is one of the important factor in overcoming incisal liability
  • At the age of 12, maxillary anterior prolines such that inter-canine width increase

Significance of safety value mechanism:

  • This increase in maxillary inter canine width hinders the forward growth of the mandible
  • This increase in width behaves like it holds the forwardly growing mandible

Question 11. Curve of Spee.

  • It is antero-posterior curve of occlusion
  • It begins from the tip of lower canine to the cusp tips of bicuspids and molars upto the condyle

Significance of curve of Spee:

  • Normal value – 1.5 – 2mm
  • If the curve is extended, it forms a circle of about 4 diameter
  • It represent the axial alignment of lower teeth
  • It requires a gradual progressive increased mesial tilting of teeth towards the molar

Question 12. Anterior bite plane and its mode of action.

Uses of anterior bite plane: For treatment of deep bite

Mode of action:

  • Consist of the flat ledge of acrylic behind the upper anterior
  • When the patient bites the mandibular incisors contact the bite plane, thus dis occlude the posterior due to which they are free to erupt

Components of anterior bite plane:

  • Adam’s clasp on molar – As a retainer
  • Labial bow – Counter any forward component of force on upper anterior

Question 13. Orbital law of canine.

  • It is used in Simon’s classification
  • Orbital plane perpendicular to Frankfort horizontal plane is used
  • This plane is dropped down from the bony orbital margin directly under the pupil of the eye
  • According to Simon, this plane should pass through the distal third of the upper canine
  • This is known as “Simon’s law of canine “or” Orbital law of canine”

Orbital law of canine significance:

  • It is used to describe malocclusion in a sagittal plane
  • When the dental arch is farther from the orbital plane it is called protraction
  • When the dental arch is closer then it is called retraction

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