Health Care Delivery System Question And Answers

Health Care Delivery System Definitions

Primary health care

  • Essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound & socially acceptable methods & technology made universally accessible to individuals & families in the community through their full participation & at the cost that the community & the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination

Voluntary health agencies

  • It may be defined as an organization that is administered by an autonomous board, which holds meetings, collects funds for its support chiefly from private sources & expends money, whether with or without paid workers, in conducting a program directed primarily to furthering the public health by providing health services or health education, or by advancing research or legislation for health, or by a combination of these activities

Health Care Delivery System Important Notes

1. Components of alma ata declaration are:

  1. Education about health problems and their preventive and controlling methods
  2. Adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation
  3. Provision of essential drugs
  4. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
  5. Maternal and child health care including family planning
  6. Immunization against infectious diseases
  7. Prevention and control of endemic diseases
  8. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries

2. Principles of primary healthcare

  • Equitable distribution
  • Community participation
  • Intersectorial coordination Appropriate technology
  • Focus on prevention

3. Voluntary health agencies in India

  • Agencies
    • Indian Red Cross Society
    • Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh
    • Indian Council for Child Welfare
    • Tuberculosis Association of India

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    • Bharat Sewak Samaj
    • Central Social Welfare Board
    • Kasturba Memorial Funds
    • Family Planning Association

Health Care Delivery System Long Essays

Question 1. Describe existing dental health services in India

Public Health Sector:

1. Primary Health Care:

Primary health centers:

  • Each center covers a population of 1,00,000 & is spread over about 100 villages
  • It acts as a referral unit for 6 sub-centers
  • Functions
    • Medical care
    • Maternal & child health including family planning
    • Safe water supply & basic sanitation
    • Prevention & control of locally endemic disease
    • Collecting & reporting vital statistics
    • Education about health
    • National health programs
    • Referral services
    • Training of health workers, health guides, local dais & health assistants
    • Basic laboratory health services
  • Sub-centers
    • It is the peripheral outpost of the existing health delivery system in rural areas
    • It covers a population of 5000 in general & 3000 in hilly, tribal & backward areas
    • One male & one female multipurpose health worker attends each sub-center
    • Each supervises the work of 6 health workers
    • Its function is limited to mother & child health care, family planning & immunization

2. Hospitals/Health Care:

  • Community health care
    • It upgrades public healthcare
    • It covers an 80,000 to 1.2 lakh population with 30 beds & specialists who refer a patient directly to a state-level hospital
  • Rural hospital
    • It upgrades the rural dispensaries to a public health center
  • District hospital

3. Health Insurance Scheme:

  • It is limited to industrial workers & their families
  • They provide reasonable medical care plus some essential preventive & promotive health services
    • Employees state insurance
      • It provides medical care in cash & kind
  • Central government health scheme
    • It provides comprehensive medical care to the central government employees

4. Others:

  • Health care of railway employees
    • Provide health services to railway hospitals, health units & clinics
  • Defense medical services
    • Under the banner “Armed Forces Medical Services”

Private Sector:

1. Privater Hospitals, Polyclinic, Nursing Homes & Dispensaries:

  • Provide a large share of the health services

2. General Practitioners:

  • Constitute 70% of the medical profession
  • They provide mainly curative services

Indigenous Systems of Medicine:

  • Provide bulk of medical care to the rural people

Voluntary Health Agencies:

  • It may be defined as an organization that is administered by an autonomous board that holds meetings, collect funds for its support chiefly from private sources & expends money, whether with or without paid workers, in conducting a program directed primarily to furthering the public health by providing health services or health education, or by advancing research or legislation for health, or by a combination of these activities

National Health Programmes:

  • National Malaria Eradication Programme
  • National Filaria Control Programme
  • National Tuberculosis Programme
  • National Leprosy Eradication Programme
  • Diarrhoeal Diseases Control Programme
  • STD Control Programme
  • National Programme for Control of Blindness
  • Iodine Deficiency Disorder Programme
  • Universal Immunization Programme
  • National Family Welfare Programme

Question 3. Define Primary healthcare

Primary Healthcare Definition:

  • Essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound & socially acceptable methods & technology made universally accessible to individuals & families in the community through their full participation & at the cost that the community & the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination

Primary healthcare Principles:

  • Equitable distribution
    • Health services must be shared equally by all people ( rich, poor, urban or rural residents)
    • Public health center aims to redress social injustice by shifting the center of gravity of the health care system from cities to rural areas
  • Community participation
    • The community must be involved in the planning, implementation & maintenance of health services
    • The involvement of individuals, families & communities in the promotion of their health & welfare is an essential component of public health center
    • In China, community participation is in the form of bare-foot doctors
    • In India, village health guides & local dais provide public health care by overcoming cultural & communication barriers
  • Intersectoral coordination
    • Planning with other sectors should be carried out to avoid unnecessary duplication of activities
    • For it, the administrative system of the country has to be reviewed, their resources reallocated & suitable legislation introduced
    • To improve oral health care more attention must be given to policies & strategies that require multi sec- toral cooperation & action
  • Appropriate technology
    • It is defined as technology that is scientifically sound, adaptable to local needs, and acceptable to those who apply it & to those for whom it is used, and that can be maintained by the people themselves in keeping with the principles of self-reliance with the resources the community & country can afford
    • This applies to using costly equipment procedures & technology when cheaper, scientifically valid & ac- acceptable ones are available
  • Focus on prevention
    • Health services should however not only be curative but should also promote health & healthy lifestyles with an emphasis on prevention

Health Care Delivery System

Health Care Delivery System Short Essays

Question 1. Primary health care.

Primary health care Definition:

  • Essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound & socially acceptable methods & technology made universally accessible to individuals & families in the community through their full participation & at the cost that the community & the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination

Primary health care Functions:

Medical care:

  • Maternal & child health including family planning
  • Safe water supply & basic sanitation
  • Prevention & control of locally endemic disease
  • Collecting & reporting vital statistics
  • Education about health
  • National health programs
  • Referral services
  • Training of health workers, health guides, local dais & health assistants
  • Basic laboratory health services

Primary health care Principles:

Equitable distribution:

  • Community participation
  • Intersectoral coordination
  • Appropriate technology
  • Focus on prevention

Question 2. Bhore committee.

Bhore committee

  • Appointed in 1943 with Sir Joseph Bhore as its chairman
  • It suggested one public health center for 40,000 population
  • It aimed to provide integrated, curative & preventive health care to the rural population with an emphasis on preventive & promotive aspects
  • It aimed to serve a population with 6 medical officers,
  • Demonstration of public health nurses & other supporting staff

Bhore committee Synonyms:

  • Health Survey & Development Committee
  • Comprehensive Health Care
  • Meaning the provision of integrated preventive, curative & promotional health services from “Womb to Tomb”.

Question 3. Village health guide.

Village health guide

  • It was introduced on 2nd October 1977
  • A village health guide is a person mostly a woman with an aptitude for social service
  • Characteristics: they should be
    • Permanent resident of the local community
    • Have a minimum formal education of at least up to VI standard
    • Acceptable to all sections of the community
    • Able to spare at least 2-3 hours every day for community health work
  • After selection, they undergo training in the nearest primary health center for 200 hours spread over 3 months & receive Rs 200/- per month as a stipend
  • On completion of training, they receive a working man- dual & a kit of simple medicines belonging to the modern & traditional systems of medicine
  • Duties:
    • Treatment of simple ailments & activities in first aid
    • Mother & child health including family planning
    • Health education & sanitation
  • The target is to have one village health guide for each village or 1000 rural population

Question 4. Voluntary health agencies in India.

Voluntary health agencies in India

  • It may be defined as an organization that is administered by an autonomous board that holds meetings, collects funds for its support chiefly from private sources & pends money, whether with or without paid workers, in conducting a program directed primarily to furthering the public health by providing health services or health education, or by advancing research or legislation for health, or by a combination of these activities


  • Supplementing the work of government agencies
  • Education
  • Demonstration
  • Guarding the work of government Agencies
  • Advancing Health Legislation

Health Care Delievery System Agencies

Question 5. World Health Organization.

World health organization

  • It is a specialized, largest, non-political most prominent, self-governing, influential, multilateral health agency of Strengthens training of various categories of oral health
  • United Nations with headquarters in Geneva
  • It came into force on 7th April 1948

Health organization Membership:

  • It is open to all countries

Health organization Work:

  • Prevention & control of specific diseases
    • Development of comprehensive health services
    • Family Health
    • Environmental Health
    • Health statistics
    • Bio-medical research
    • Health literature & information
    • Co-operation with other organizations

Health organization Structure:

  • The World Health Assembly
    • The Executive Board
    • The Secretariat

Health organization Who Agenda:

  • Promoting development
    • Fostering health security
    • Strengthening health systems
    • Harnessing research, information & evidence
    • Enhancing partnership
    • Improving performance

Health organization Who Journals:

  • Bulletin of the World Health Organization
    • Weekly Epidemiological Record
    • WHO Drug Information

Question 6. Importance of national oral health policy.

Importance of National Oral Health Policy

  • It creates awareness about health problems & means to solve them
  • It supplies safe drinking water & basic sanitation
  • Concentrates on rural healthcare
  • Supports health planning & health program implementation
  • Provide support to health protection & promotion
  • Act on widespread malnutrition
  • Research healthcare delivery
  • Creates greater coordination of different systems of medicine
  • Resolves preventive & promotive oral health services
  • Strengthens training of various categories of oral health care personnel care personnel
  • Ensure statutory warning on the wrappers & advertisement of sweets, chocolates & other sugar retentive items
  • Guide oral health research appropriate to the needs of the country.

Health Care Delivery System Short Question  And Answers

Question 1. International Red Cross.

International red cross

  • It is a non-political, non-official international humanitarian organization devoted to the service of mankind. In China, community participation is in the form of peace & war
  • It was founded by Henry Dunant in 1859
  • Dunant organized local people to bind the soldiers’ wounds & to feed & comfort them during the bloody battle in Solferino, Italy between the armies of imperial Austria & the Franco-Sardinian alliance
  • Its emblem was a red cross on a white background


  • Humanity
  • Impartiality
  • Neutrality
  • Independence
  • Voluntary service
  • Unity
  • Universality

Question 2. Functions of primary health center.

Functions of Primary Health Center

  • Medical care
  • Maternal & child health including family planning
  • Safe water supply & basic sanitation
  • Prevention & control of locally endemic disease
  • Collecting & reporting vital statistics
  • Education about health.

Question 3. Community participation.

Community participation

  • The community must be involved in the planning, implementation & maintenance of health services
  • The involvement of individuals, families & communities in the promotion of their health & welfare is an essential component of public health center
  • In China, community participation is in the form of bare-foot doctors
  • In India, village health guides & local dais provide public health care by overcoming cultural & communication barriers

Question 4. Work of WHO.

Work of WHO

  • Prevention & control of specific diseases
  • Development of comprehensive health services
  • Family Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Health statistics
  • Bio-medical research
  • Health literature & information
  • Co-operation with other organizations

Question 5. National health program.

National health program

  • National Malaria Eradication Programme
  • National Filaria Control Programme
  • National Tuberculosis Programme
  • National Leprosy Eradication Programme
  • Diarrhoeal Diseases Control Programme
  • STD Control Programme
  • National Programme for Control of Blindness
  • Iodine Deficiency Disorder Programme
  • Universal Immunization Programme
  • National Family Welfare Programme

Question 6. Elements of primary health centers.

Elements of Primary Health Centers

  • The Alma Ata declaration has outlined 8 essential components of primary healthcare
  • Education about prevailing health problems and meth- Co-operation with other organizations ods of preventing and controlling them
  • Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
  • An adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation
  • Maternal and child health care including family planning
  • Immunization against infectious diseases
  • Prevention and control of endemic diseases
  • Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
  • Provision of essential drugs

Question 7. Recommendations of the Bhore committee.

Recommendations of the Bhore Committee

  • Integration of preventive and curative services to all administrative levels
  • Development of primary health centers in 2 stages
    1. As short-term measure
    2. As a long-term program
      • Major changes in medical education which includes 3 months of training in preventive and social medicine to prepare social physicians

Question 8. World health organization

World health organization

  • It is a specialized, largest, non-political most prominent, self-governing, influential, multilateral health agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Geneva
  • It came into force on 7th April 1948

health organization Membership

  • It is open to all countries

health organization Work

  • Prevention & control of specific disease
  • Development of comprehensive health services
  • Family Health
  • Environmental Health
  • Bio-medical research
  • Health literature & information
  • Co-operation with other organizations

health organization Structure

  • The World Health Assembly
  • The executive board
  • The Secretariat

Health Care Delivery System Viva Voce

  1. Health care services to be shared equally by all people ensures the principle of equitable distribution.
  2. The village health guide Scheme was introduced on 2nd October 1977
  3. Kasturba Memorial Fund is raised with the main objective of improving women
  4. Indian Red Cross Society was established in 1920.
  5. The functioning of voluntary health agencies involves pioneering new procedures
  6. Gram Sevikas are an integral component of the Kasturba Memorial fund
  7. India falls into the WHO regional organization of Southeast Asia region
  8. The International Red Cross was founded by Henry Dunant
  9. The headquarters of the Family Planning Association of India is located in Bombay

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