Gingival Curettage

Gingival Curettage Definition

Gingival curettage: It is the scrapping of the soft tissue wall of a packet to separate diseased soft tissue

Gingivoplasty: Gingivoplasty is the reshaping of the gingiva to create physiologic gingival contours with the sole purpose of recontouring the gingiva in the absence of pockets

Gingival Curettage Long Essay

Question 1. Define and classify Gingival Curettage. Describe ENAP.

Gingival Curettage: It is the scrapping of the soft tissue wall of the packet to separate diseased soft tissue

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

Gingival Curettage Types:

  1. Gingival Curettage
  2. Surgical Curettage
  3. Chemical Curettage
  4. Ultrasonic Curettage

Enap: (Excisional New Attachment Procedure): By United States Naval Corps

Gingival Curettage Technique:

Gingival Curettage Technique

Gingival Curettage Excisional new attachment procedure ENAP

Gingival Curettage Indications:

  • Deep infra bony pockets
  • Prior to flap surgeries
  • In patients with surgical contraindications:
  • As part of maintenance therapy

Gingival Curettage Techniques

Question 2. Define curettage. Describe indications and techniques of subgingival curettage.

Subgingival Curettage Definition: Curettage is the scrapping of the soft tissue wall of the pocket to separate diseased soft tissue

Subgingival Curettage: It refers to the procedure that is performed apical to the junctional epithelium and severing connective tissue at- tachment down to the osseous crest

Subgingival Curettage Indications:

  • Deep infra bony pockets
  • Prior to flap surgeries
  • In patients with surgical contraindications
  • As part of maintenance therapy

Subgingival Curettage Technique: Tissues attached between the bottom of the pocket and the al-alveolar crest are removed by scooping motion of curette to the tooth surface

Gingival Curettage Technique.

Gingival Curettage Sub-gingival curettage

Gingival Curettage Short Essays

Question 1. Different techniques of Curettage.

1. Curettage Basic Technique:

Gingival Curettage Basic technique

2. Curettage Enap Technique:

Gingival Curettage ENAP

3. Ultrasonic Curettage:

Ultrasonic Curettage Effects:

  • Disrupt tissue continuity
  • Scraping of epithelium
  • Alters fibroblast
  • Less removal of connective tissue

4. Caustic drugs:

  • Drugs used are [PAS]
    • P- Phenol
    • A- Antiformin
    • S-Sodium sulfide

Gingival Curettage Techniques

Question 2. Rationale of subgingival curettage.

  • To reduce pocket depth
  • To improve probing attachment levels
  • To maintain esthetics
  • To provide periodontal therapy in systemically compromised patients
  • To remove chronically inflamed granulation tissue that forms in the lateral wall of the periodontal pocket
  • During curettage when the root is thoroughly planned the major source of bacteria disappears and the path-logic changes in the periodontal pocket also disappear
  • Eliminates all or most of the epithelium that lines the pocket wall and underlying junctional epithelium
  • Used in a presurgical phase where there is persistent gin- give inflammation even after repeated scaling and root planning

Question 3. Gingivoplasty.

Gingivoplasty is the reshaping of the gingiva to create physiologic gingival contours with the sole purpose of. It is a definitive subgingival curettage procedure per-recontouring the gingiva in the absence of pockets

Gingivoplasty Indications:

  • Gingival enlargements
  • Gingival clefts and craters
  • Shelf-like interdental papilla caused by ANUG
  • Gingival and periodontal diseases that interfere with normal food excursion

Gingivoplasty Steps:

Gingival Curettage Steps


Gingival Curettage Techniques

Gingival Curettage Short Question  And Answers

Question 1. Healing after Curettage.

Gingival Curettage Healing after curettage

Question 2. Indications of Gingival curettage

  • Deep infra bony pockets
  • Prior to flap surgeries
  • In patients with surgical contraindications
  • As part of maintenance therapy

Question 3. Define curettage

Curettage Definition: Curettage is the scrapping of the soft tissue wall of the pocket to separate diseased soft tissue

Curettage Rationale:

  • To reduce pocket depth
  • To improve probing attachment levels
  • To maintain esthetics
  • To provide periodontal therapy in systemically compromised patients

Gingival Curettage Techniques

Gingival Curettage Viva Voce

  1. Curettage causes shrinkage of the interdental papilla so not indicated in anterior teeth
  2. Gingival curettage is done for the removal of inflamed soft tissue lateral pocket wall
  3. During curettage an instrument is inserted to engage the inner lining of the pocket wall and the stroke is used horizontally
  4. The motion of the curette is scooping
  5. ENAP is performed with a knife
  6. The incision used in ENAP is the internal bevel
  7. The instrument used for ultrasonic curettage is a Morse scaler shaped
  8. The extent of tissue destruction cannot be controlled by the use of caustic drugs in gingival curettage
  9. For restoration and epithelisation of the sulcus after gingiva; curettage requires 2-7 days
  10. Immediately after scaling and curettage, the color of the gingiva is bright red.

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