Ulcers Question And Answers

Ulcers Importance Notes

1. Different ulcers

Ulcer Different Ulcers

2. Painless and painful ulcer

Ulcer Painless And Painful Ulcer

3. Edge of ulcer in different ulcers

Ulcer Edge Of Ulcer In Different Ulcers


Ulcers Short Essays

Question 1. Nonhealing ulcers


Nonhealing ulcers are

  1. Venous ulcer: It is commenest ulcer of the leg
    • Venous Ulcer Etiology:
      • Abnormal venous hypertension in the lower third of the leg, ankle, and dorsum of foot
    • Venous Ulcer Treatment:
      • Elevation of affected limb
      • Passive movement of limb
      • Active movement of calf muscles
      • Application of blue line bandage
      • Systemic antibiotics
  2. Diabetic Ulcer:
    • Diabetic Ulcer Etiology:
      • Slight injury in glucose-laden tissues
      • Ischaemia
      • Infection
      • Peripheral neuritis
    • Diabetic Ulcer Sites:
      • Toes and feet
      • Sole
      • Leg
    • Diabetic Ulcer Feature:
      • Ulcer is deep and spreading
    • Diabetic Ulcer Treatment:
      • Diabetic control
      • Antibiotics- to control infection
      • Excision of ulcer
  3. Tuberculous Ulcer:
    • Tuberculous Ulcer Etiology:
      • Bursting of cold abscess
    • Tuberculous Ulcer Features:
      • Oval in shape
      • Multiple in number
      • Has thin reddish blue and undermined edge
      • It is usually shallow
      • Mild pain occurs
      • Presence of slight induration
    • Tuberculous Ulcer Treatment
      • Antitubercular treatment
      • Excision and grafting

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Question 2. Define and classify ulcers.

Ulcers Definition: Ulcer is a break in the continuity of the covering epithelium

Ulcers Classification

1. Clinical classification

Ulcer Clinical Classification

2. Pathological classification

  • Nonspecific
    • Traumatic
      • Mechanical – dental ulcer of tongue
      • Physical – x-ray of bum
      • Chemical – application of caustics
    • Arterial
      • Atherosclerosis, Raynaud’s disease, Buerger’s disease
    • Venous – in post phlebitis limb
      • Neurogenic
      • Infective – pyogenic
      • Tropical – in people living in tropical countries
      • Crvopathic – due to cold injur)
      • Martorell’s ulcer – hypertensive
      • Bazin’s ulcer
      • Diabetic ulcer
      • Miscellaneous
  • Specific ulcers
    • Tubercular ulcer
    • Syphilitic ulcer
    • Actinomycosis
    • Meleney’s ulcer
  • Malignant
    • Epithelioma
    • Rodent ulcer
    • Malignant melanoma

Question 3. Tubercular ulcer

Tubercular ulcer

  • Such ulcer develops due to bursting of cold abscess
  • Clinical features
  • Shape – oval in shape
  • Border – irregular crescentic
  • Number – multiple in number
  • Edge – thin reddish blue and undermined
  • Pain – slight pain is present
  • Floor – pale granulation tissue seen on the floor
  • Base – slight induration is present

Tubercular ulcer Treatment

  • Antitubercular drugs
  • Excision and skin grafting in nonhealing ulcer

Question 4. Rodent ulcer

Rodent ulcer

  • Basal cell carcinoma is called rodent ulcer
  • Common sites are inner and outer canthus of the eye, the eyelids bridge of the nose, and around the nasolabial fold.
  • Most common pattern is a nodule-ulcerative lesion a slow-growing small nodule that undergoes central with pearly, rolled margins.
  • Tumour enlarges in size by burrowing and by destroying the tissues locally like a rodent and hence the name “rodent ulcer”.

Question 5. Marjolin’s ulcer

Marjolin’s ulcer

  • It is squamous carcinoma arising in a chronic benign ulcer or scar
  • It is a long-standing venous ulcer

Marjolin’s ulcer Features:

  • Slow-growing malignant lesion
  • Edges may be everted and raised
  • It is a painless ulcer
  • There is no lymphatic metastasis

Marjolin’s ulcer Treatment:

Wide excision of the lesion along with a margin of at least 1 cm

Question 6. Diabetic ulcer

Diabetic ulcer Etiology:

  • Slight injury in glucose-laden tissues
  • Ischaemia
  • Infection
  • Peripheral neuritis

Diabetic ulcer Sites:

  • foes and feet
  • Sole Leg Feature:
  • An ulcer is deep and spreading

Diabetic ulcer Treatment:

  • Diabetic control
  • Antibiotics- to control infection
  • Excision of ulcer

Question 7. Tropical ulcer

Tropical ulcer

  • These ulcers occur in the legs and feet of persons living in tropical countries
  • Caused by Vincent’s organisms

Tropical ulcer Etiology:

  • Malnutrition
  • Anaemia
  • Avitaminosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Tropical ulcer Features:

  • Edges are slightly raised
  • Presence of discharge
  • Remains of the same size for many months and years
  • It destroys the surrounding tissues
  • Pustule develops
  • This burst forms painful ulcers
  • The ulcer heals leaving a scar

Question 8. Snail track ulcer

Snail track ulcer

  • Snail track ulcers are oral ulcers in syphilitic patients
  • They appear in 3-6 weeks after the development of chancre
  • These are small, round, and superficial erosions
  • These coalesce to form ulcers
  • Ulcers are narrow, curved, and shallow

Question 9. Arterial ulcer

Arterial ulcer

  • Arterial ulcers are caused due to
    • Peripheral arterial disease
    • Inadequate circulation
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Trauma
    • Infection
  • It is a painful ulcer
  • Ulcers tend to be punched out
  • It destroys the whole skin and deep fascia
  • Expose the tendons on the floor of the ulcer
  • Sites involved are
    • Anterior and lateral aspects of leg
    • On the toe
    • Dorsum of the foot
    • Heel

Ulcers Viva Voce

  1. Marked induration of the edge is a characteristic feature of carcinoma.
  2. A leather slough on the floor of the ulcer is seen in the Gummatous ulcer.
  3. The black mass on the floor suggests malignant melanoma.
  4. Callous ulcer shows no tendency toward healing.

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