General Properties Of Viruses Virology Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

General Properties Of Viruses Important Notes

1. Features of virus

  • Lacks enzymes required for protein and nucleic acid synthesis
  • Do not possess cellular organization
  • Contains only one type of nucleic acid
  • Multiply by a complex process

2. Structure Consists of

  • Genome
  • Capsid
  • Envelope

3. Cultivation of virus

  • Animal inoculation
  • Embryonated egg inoculation
  • Tissue culture

4. Classification of virus

  • Enveloped and non-enveloped virus
  • Based on their affinity to a different system
    • Thermotropic
    • Neurotropic
    • Pneumotropic
    • Viscerotropic

General Properties Of Viruses Long Essays

Question 1. Explain the methods of isolation of viruses.

Methods employed for the cultivation of viruses are

  • Animal inoculation.
  • Embryonated egg inoculation.
  • Tissue culture.
    • Organ culture
    • Explant culture
    • Cell culture

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

  • Animal inoculation Uses:
    • Primary isolation of certain viruses
    • To study viral oncogenesis
    • To study the pathogenesis of certain viruses.
    • Animals used are
      • Mice – for arboviruses and coxsackie virus
      • Guinea pigs.
      • Rabbits
    • Routes of inoculation used
      • Intracerebral
      • Sub-cutaneous
      • Intraperitoneal
      • Intranasal
    • Steps
      • Inoculation of animals
      • Observation of animals for signs of disease
      • Animals are killed
      • Their tissues are tested for the presence of virus
  • Embryonated egg inoculation:
    • Embryonated hen’s eggs are inoculated by different routes

General Properties Of Viruses Embryonated hen's eggs are inoculated by different routes

  • Tissue Cultures:
    • Cell Culture:
      • Routinely employed for diagnostic virology.
      • Tissues are disassociated into the component cells by the action of proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin.
      • Cell cultures are classified into three types based on their origin, and chromosomal characteristics.

General Properties Of Viruses Classification of cell cultures

General Properties Of Viruses Short Essays

Question 1. Mention the characters of viruses.

General Characters of Viruses:

  • Viruses are the smallest obligate intracellular infective agents.
  • Only one type of nucleic acid either DNA (or) RNA act as their genomes.
  • They have no metabolic activity outside the living cells.
  • They do not possess a cellular organization.
  • They lack the enzymes necessary for protein and nucleic acid synthesis.
  • They do not grow in inanimate media.
  • They are resistant to antibiotics.
  • They multiplied by a complex process but not by binary fusion.
  • They are ultramicroscopic particles.

General Properties Of Viruses Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Classification of viruses

  • Viruses are classified into two major groups based on the nucleic acid they possess
  • They are:

Dna Viruses:

  • Poxviridae family
  • Herpes viridian family
  • Adeno viridian family
  • Pap ova viridian family
  • Parvo viridian family
  • Hepadna viridae family

Rna Viruses:

  • Picorna viridae family
  • Orthomyxo viridian family
  • Paramyxo viridian family
  • Toga viridian family
  • Flavi viridian family
  • Rhabdo viridian family
  • Retro viridian family
  • Corona viridae family
  • Filoviridae family

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