Expansion In Orthodontics Question And Answers


  • Types of expansion appliances

Orthodontics Expansion Expansion appliances

  • Rapid maxillary expansion [RME]
    • Should be initiated prior to ossification of the mid-palatal suture
    • Time of ossification of mid-palatal suture
      • 16 years – in girls
      • 18 years – in boys
  • Contraindication of RME
    • Single tooth crossbites
    • In adults with severe anteroposterior skeletal discrepancies
    • Vertical growers
    • Periodontally weak condition
  • Schedule of activation of expansion screw
    • For patients upto 15 years – 90° rotation in morning and evening
    • For patients over 15 years – 45° rotation 4 times a day
  • Quad helix
    • Uses:
      • Expand a narrow arch
      • Rotation of molars
      • Brings
        • Orthopaedic movement in children
        • Orthodontic movement in adults

Expansion In Orthodontics

Expansion Long Essays

Question 1. Explain slow and rapid expansion, their indications, contraindications, and appliances used.

Orthodontics Expansion Rapid and Slow Expansion

Effects Of Rapid Maxillary Expansion:

  • Open mid-palatal suture:
    • By compresses PDL
    • Bends buccal alveolar process and slowly opens the suture
  • Triangular opening:
    • Maximum opening at incisor region
    • Reduces over posterior part of palate

Orthodontics Expansion Triangular split of the maxilla in transverse view

Orthodontics Expansionn Triangular split of the maxilla in frontal view

    • Maximum opening towards oral cavity
    • Less opening towards nasal aspect
  • Midline diastema
  • Buccal tipping of maxillary posteriors

Orthodontics Expansion Normal axial inclination of the anchor molars

Orthodontics Expansion Bucally tipped anchor molars

  • Downward and backward mandibular rotation
  • Increase in mandibular plane angle
  • Displacement adjacent cranial bones
  • Increase in intra-nasal space
  • Reduction in airway resistance

Expansion Short Essays

Question 1. Expansion screws.

  • A typical expansion screw consists of an oblong body with two halves, each half consisting of threaded inner side that receives one end of a double-ended screw
  • The screw has a central basing with four holes, which receive a key used to turn the screw
  • The turning of screw to 90 degrees brings about linear movement of 0.18mm

Read And Learn More: Orthodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers 

  • Various types of expansion used in removable and fixed appliances are
    • Jackscrew
    • Coffin springs
    • Qual helix
    • Isacson
    • Hyrax
    • Derischweiler
  • Activation schedules

According to Timms:

  • In patient upto 15 years of age – 90 degrees rotation in the morning and evening
  • In patient over 15 years old – 45 degrees activation 4 times a day

According to Zimring and Isacson:

  • In growing individuals
    • Two turns each day for 4-5 days and later one turn per day till the desired expansion is achieved
  • In non-growing adults
    • Two turns each day for first 2 days and later one turn per day for next 5-7 days and one turn every alternate day till the desired expansion is achieved

Question 2. Quad Helix Appliance.

Example of slow maxillary expansion appliance

Introduced by Walter coffin

  • Wired used: 0.038 inch
    • Parts
  • Bands: Over first molar
  • Helices: 2 anteriors helices
    • 2 posterior helices
  • Bridge: Anterior bridge – Connencts anterior helices
  • Palatal bridge: Connects anterior and posterior helices
  • Outer arms: Free ends adjacent to posterior helices
    • Soldered on lingual aspect of molar bands
  • Uses: Expansion of narrow arch
    • Rotation of molars
  • Skeletal expansion: During mixed dentition periods
  • Activation: Pre-stretching of molar bands before cemenstation.

Orthodontics Expansion Quead helix

Orthodontics Expansion Quad helix activation for molar expansion

Orthodontics Expansion Quad helix activation for premolar expansion

Question 3. Rapid v/s slow expansion.

Orthodontics Expansion Rapid and Slow Expansion

Expansion Short Questions And Answers

Question 1. Hyrax Appliance.

Tooth bone fixed appliances used for rapid maxillary expansion

Hyrax – Hygienic rapid expander

Designs Of Hyrax Appliance:

  • Wire used – Heavy guage wire
  • Extensions of screw wire are adapted over palatal contour and soldered to molar bonds

Orthodontics Expansion Hyrax type of expansion appliance

Question 2. Coffin Spring.

  • Removable slow expansion appliance by Walter Coffin
  • Wire used: 1.25 mm thick
  • Design: Omega shaped wire – Over mid-palatal region
  • Free ends of wire: Embedded in acrylic
  • Activation: Pulling two sides apart
  • Use: Dento-alveolar expansion in adults
  • Skeletal expansion in younger patients

Orthodontics Expansion Coffin spring

Question 3. Expansion Appliance.

  • Appliance for RME
    • Removable – Split acrylic plate
    • Fixed
  • Tooth and tissue borne
    • Derichsweiler type
    • Hass type
  • Tooth borne
    • Issacson type
    • Hyrax type
  • Appliances for Slow Expansion
    • Jack screw
    • Coffin spring
    • Quad helix
    • Fixed appliance

Question 4. Slow Expansion Appliance.

  • Jack screw:
    • It is incorporated in the appliances
    • Have more spread out activation schedule
    • Have smaller pitch
  • Coffin spring:
    • Removable slow expansion appliance by Walter Coffin
    • Wire used – 1.25 mm thick
    • Design – Omega shaped wire – Ove mid-palatal region
    • Free ends of wire – Embedded in acrylic
    • Activation – Pulling two sides apart
    • Use – Dento-alveolar expansion in adults
    • Skeletal expansion in younger patients
  • Quad helix:
    • Introduced by Walter coffin
    • Wire used – 0.038 inch
      • Parts
  • Bands – Anterior bridge – Connects anterior helices
  • Palatal bridge – Connects anterior and posterior helices
  • Outer arms – Free ends adjacent to posterior helices
    • Soldered on lingual aspect of molar bands
  • Uses: Expansion of narrow arch
    • Rotation of molars

Question 5. Types of Expansion Screws.

  • 3D screws
  • Split midline screw
  • Jack screw

Expansion Viva Voce

  • Coffin spring and quad helix are used for palatal expansion
  • Rapid palatal expansion should be carried out prior to ossification of midpalatal suture
  • In rapid expansion two turns daily of 0.5mm is done
  • In slow expansion the rate is 0.5 mm per week
  • In rapid expansion, the ratio of skeletal to dental expansions is 4:1
  • In slow expansion, the ratio of skeletal to dental expansions is 1:1
  • In rapid expansion, force generated – 2-4 pounds
  • In slow expansion, force generated – 10-20 pounds
  • Treatment completed in rapid expansion – 1-2 weeks
  • Treatment completed in slow expansion – 2-5 months

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