Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Definitions

1. Epidemiology

  • It is defined as the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems

2. Index

  • Numerical values describing the relative status of the population on a graduated scale with definite upper and lower limits designated to permit and facilitate comparisons with other populations that are classified by the same criteria and methods are referred to as index

3. Incidence

  • It is defined as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring in a defined population during a specified time

4. Prevalence

  • The total number of all individuals who have an attribute or disease at a particular time divided by the population at risk of having the attribute or disease at this point in time or midway through the period

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Long Essays

Question 1. Define epidemiology. Write in detail about indices used in assessing gingival inflammation.


It is defined as the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems

Indices Used To Assess Gingival Inflammation:

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Of Epidimology

1. Papillary marginal attachment index by Schour and Massler:

  • The gingival unit is divided into three parts
    • Papillary gingiva
    • Marginal gingiva
    • Attached gingiva
  • The presence or absence of inflammation in each unit is recorded and scored
    • -0- Absence of inflammation
    • -1- Presence of inflammaion
  • The severity of gingivitis is assessed by the following scoring
    • Papillary gingiva-0-5
    • Marginal gingiva-0-3
    • Attached gingiva- 0-3

2. Gingivitis component of the periodontal disease:

  • Teeth selected- 3, 9, 12,19, 25, 28
  • Sulcus depth is examined in these teeth and scored

3. Gingival index by Loe and Silliness:

  • All teeth are examined
  • The surfaces examined are:
    • Distal facial papillaae
    • Facial margin
    • Mesial facial papillae
    • Lingual margin
  • Scoring is done

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Score and Interpretation


Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Interpretation

4. Indices of gingival bleeding:

  • Sulcular bleeding index by Muhlemann and Son
    • All teeth are examined
    • Four gingival units are scored
      • Labial and lingual marginal gingiva
      • Mesial and distal papillary gingiva
    • The probe is helped parallel with the long axis of the tooth and scoring is done after 30 seconds


Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Sulcular bleeding index by muhlemann and son

  • Papillary bleeding index by Muhlemann
    • A blunt periodontal probe is inserted into the gingival sulcus, bleeding is examined and scored


Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Papillary bleeding index by muhlemann

  • Bleeding point index by Lennox and Kopczy
    • It determines the presence or absence of gingival bleeding interproximal and on facial and lingual surfaces of each tooth
  • Interdental bleeding index by Caton and person
    • A triangular-shaped interproximal cleaner is inserted to depress the interproximal papillae up to 2 mm
    • The presence or absence of bleeding within 15 sec is noted

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

  • Gingival bleeding index by Ainamo and Bay
    • The presence or absence of gingival bleeding is determined by gentle probing of gingival cer-vice

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Short Essays

Question 1. Plaque Index.

  • Selected tooth – entire dentition

1. Selected teeth

  • Surfaces: Distofacial, facial, mesiofacial and lingual
  • Site: Cervical third of the tooth

Plaque Index Scoring:

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Plaque index

Plaque Index Calculation:

  • Per tooth-Score/4
  • Per person – Score per tooth/No. of teeth

Question 2. OHI-S by Greene and Vermillion.

  • The oral hygiene index-simplified was described by John C. Greene and Jack R. Vermillion in 1964

Tooth Examined:

  • 16/17, 11, 26/27
  • 46/47,31 36/37

Surfaces: Facial of 16/17, 11, 26/27, 36/37 Lingual of 31


  • D1-S – Incisal third to gingival third
  • C1-S Distal gingival crevice subgingivally from dis- tal to medial contact

Scoring: For D1-S:

  • 0-No debris
  • 1-Debris covering 1/3rd of tooth surface
  • 2-Debris covering more than 1/3rd and less than 2/3rd of tooth surface
  • 3-Debris covering more than 2/3rd of tooth surface

For CI-S:

  • O-No calculus
  • 1-Supragingival calculus covering 1/3rd of tooth surface
  • 2-Supragingival calculus covering more than 1/3rd but less than 2/3rd of tooth surface
  • 3-Supragingival calculus covering more than 2/3rd of the tooth surface, heavy bands of subgingival
    calculus also present


  • OH1 – S = D1-S+C1-S


  • Good – 0.0 to 1.2
  • Fair – 1.3 to 3.0
  • Poor – 3.1 to 6.0

Question 3. Russel’s Periodontal Index.

By Russell Al.

Teeth examined:



Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Clinically and Radiographically


  • 0-0.2 – Normal
  • 0.3-0.9 – Simple Gingivitis
  • 0.7-1.9 – Beginning of destructive disease
  • 1.6-5.0 – Established destructive disease
  • 3.8-8.0 – Terminal disease

Question 4. Gingival Index – by Loe and Stillness.

  • Teeth Examined: All or selected


  • Distal facial papillae
  • Facial margin
  • Mesial facial papillae
  • Lingual margin


  • 0-No inflammation
  • 1-Mild inflammation, no bleeding on probing
  • 2-Moderate inflammation, and bleeding on probing
  • 3-Severe inflammation


  • Per tooth-Score/4
  • Per person\( -\frac{\text { TotalScore }}{\text { Total teeth examined }}\)


  • 0.1-1.0 – Mild gingivitis
  • 1.1-2.0 – Moderate gingivitis
  • 2.1-3.0 – Sever gingivitis

Question 5. CPITN.


  • Mild gingivitis Moderate gingivitis Severe gingivitis
  • To survey and evaluate periodontal treatment needs Identify actual and potential problems posed by periodontal diseases both in the community and in the individual

Teeth examined: Ten specified index teeth are

  • 17-16  11  26-27
  • 47-46  31  36-37


  • Code X – When only one tooth or no teeth are present in the sextant
  • Code 0 – Healthy periodontium
  • Code 1 – Bleeding on probing
  • Code 2 – Calculus present
  • Code 3 – Pocket of 4-5 mm
  • Code 4 – Pocket of more than 6 mm

Treatment Needs:

  • TN-0 -No treatment
  • TN-1 -Improvement of personal oral hygiene
  • TN-2 -Professional scaling
  • TN-3 Complex treatment involving deep scaling, root planning, and complex procedures

Question 6. Incidence and prevalence.


  • It is defined as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring in a defined population during a specified period


  • Provide a clue for the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease
  • Study the distribution of the study
  • Control the disease


  1. Episode incidence
    • It is the rate of occurrence of new episodes of a dis- case arising in the population
  2. Cumulative incidence
    • Similar to incidence but the time interval is ex-presses as a fixed period


  • The total number of all individuals who have an attribute or disease at a particular time divided by the population at risk of having the attribute or disease at this point or midway through the period


  • Estimate the magnitude of disease or health problems in the community
  • Identify the potential high-risk population
  • Useful in administrative and planning purposes like assessing manpower needs in health services


1. Point prevalence:

  • It is the number of all current cases of a specific disease at one point in time about a defined population

2. Period prevalence:

  • It is defined as the total number of existing cases of a specific disease during a defined period of time ex- pressed concerning a defined population

Question 7. Describe the possible causes as to why the incidence, and prevalence of periodontal diseases are very high in India.

  • The prevalence of periodontal disease in India is high due to:
  • Low socioeconomic group
  • Poor oral hygiene practice
  • Greater prevalence in mentally retarded children due to
    • Lack of awareness of oral hygiene
    • Nutritional deficiency
    • Malocclusion
    • Oral health habits like bruxism, tongue thrusting, mouth breathing
    • Low power of concentration
    • Low neuromuscular coordination
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Hereditary
  • Presence of habits like smoking and betel nut chewing
  • Evaluate the efficacy of preventive and therapeutic
  • Malnutrition
  • measures
  • Presence of systemic disease

Question 8. Define index, uses and ideal requirements of an index.

Index Definition:

  • Numerical values describing the relative status of the population on a graduated scale with definite upper and lower limits designated to permit and facilitate comparisons with other populations that are classified by the same criteria and methods are referred to as index

Index Uses:

  1. In the case of individual patients
    • Provides individual assessment
    • Reveals the degree of effectiveness
    • Motivates the patient
    • Evaluates the progress of treatment
  2. In the case of research studies
    • Determines the baseline data before the introduction of experimental factors
    • Measures effectiveness of specific agents for pre-version control and treatment of oral conditions
    • Measures effectiveness of devices for personal care
  3. In community health
    • Provides baseline data
    • Assesses the needs of a community
    • Evaluates the results

Index Ideal Requirements:

  • Clarity simplicity
  • The examiner should remember the rules of the index clearly
  • The index should be simple & easy to apply
  • The criteria should be objective
  • Validity
  • The index should measure what it is intended to measure
  • It should correspond to the clinical stages of the disease under study
  • Reliability
  • The index should be measured consistently at different times & under a variety of conditions
  • Quantifiability
  • The index should be amenable to statistical analysis so that the status can be expressed by a number
  • Sensitivity
  • The index should be able to detect small shifts in either direction
  • Acceptability
  • The use of an index should not be painful or demeaning to the subject

Epidemiology Of Gingival And Periodontal Diseases Short Answers

Question 1. Index.

Numerical values describing the relative status of the population on a graduated scale with definite upper and lower limits designated to permit and facilitate comparisons with other populations that are classified by the same criteria and methods

Index Ideal Requisites:

  • Clarity, simplicity, and objectivity
  • Validity Reliability
  • Quantifiability
  • Sensitivity
  • Acceptability

Question 2. Epidemiology.

The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specific populations and the application of this study to control health problems.

Epidemiology Principles:

  • Exact observation
  • Correct interpretation
  • Rationale explanation
  • Scientific construction

Epidemiology Types:

  • Descriptive epidemiology
  • Analytical epidemiology

Question 3. Incidence and prevalence.


  • It is defined as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time

Incidence Types:

  • Point prevalence
  • Period prevalence

Question 4. Indices used to measure calculus.

  • The following are the various indices used to measure calculus
  • Calculus surface index
  • Calculus surface severity index
  • Marginal line calculus index by Muhlemann and Villa
  • Volpe-Manhold index
  • PDI
  • Calculus component of OHI-S
  • Calclus component of PDI by Ramfjord
  • Probe method of calculus assessment by Volpe and as- sociates
  • Calculus surface index by Ennever and co-workers

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