Oral Medicine Dermatological Diseases Important Notes
1. Various Findings Of Dermatological Diseases
2. Ectodermal Dysplasia
- It is congenital dysplasia of ectodermal structures
- Manifested as hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis and hypodontia
3. Pemphigus
- Histological Features:
- There is a formation of vesicles or bullae intraepithelial just above the basal layer producing suprabasal split c
- Intercellular bridges in suprabasal layers disappear due to edema resulting in acantholysis
- Clumps of degenerating cells are found in vesicular areas called Tzanck cells
4. Scleroderma – Features
- Stiff and broad-like tongue
- Lips become rigid
- Microstomia
- Dysphasia
- Inability to open and close mouth
- Extreme widening of PDL
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5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- It is a multisystem inflammatory disorder
6. Steven Johnson Syndrome
- Severe bullous form of erythema multiforme involving the skin, eyes, oral cavity, and genitalia
7. Nikolsky’s Sign
- Loss of epithelium due to rubbing resulting in raw sensitive surface
- Seen in
- Pemphigus
- Familial benign chronic pemphigus
- Epidermolysis bullosa
8. Tzanck Cells
- They are multinucleated giant cells of epithelial origin
- Seen in
- Herpes
- Pemphigus
9. Bulla Are Seen In
- Intraepithelial Bulla
- Herpes simplex Herpes zoster Chicken pox Pemphigus
- Familial benign pemphigus
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Oral lesions of eiythema multiforme
- Subepithelial Bulla
- Pemphigoid
- Bullous pemphigoid
- Bullous lichen planus
- Dermatitis herpetiformis
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Skin lesions of erythema multiforme.
Oral Medicine Dermatological Diseases Short Essays
Question 1. Lupus Erythematosus.
Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the destruction of tissue due to the deposition of autoantibodies and immune complexes within it
Lupus Erythematosus Types:
Lupus Erythematosus Generalized symptoms
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Dysphagia
- Depression
- Splenomegaly
- Lymphadenopathy
- Leucopenia
- Arthritis
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Raynond’s phenomenon
- Scleroderma
- Pemphigoid
- Pemphigus
- Erythema multiforme
Lupus Erythematosus Investigations:
- Anti-nuclear antibodies are present
- Anti-DNA antibodies are present
- Polyclonal hyperactivity of the B lymphocytes
- Decrease in the number of suppressor cells
- Leucopenia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Hemolytic anemia
- Hypergammaglobulinemia
- Profuse proteinuria
- Direct immunofluorescence
- It reveals deposition of IgG, IgA, and IgM in the base¬ment membrane zone
- Indirect immunofluorescence
- It reveals circulating auto-antibodies
Lupus Erythematosus Management:
- Systemic steroids are given
Question 2. Nikolsky’s Sign
Nikolsky’s Sign is the diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris
- It is demonstrated by applying gentle pressure over the bullae
- This results in the spreading of the lesion to the adjacent intact surface
- Contacting an intact surface after pressing the lesion will result in the formation of a new lesion
Oral Medicine Dermatological Diseases Short Answers
Question 1. Koplik’s spots.
Koplik’s Spots
- Koplik’s Spots is one of the important clinical features of measles
- Site: buccal mucosa
- Presentation
- The mucosa becomes inflamed
- Over it, there is the presence of white or white-yellow pinpoint papules
Question 2. Four differences between pemphigus vulgaris and benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
Differences Between Pemphigus Vulgaris And Benign Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Question 3. Mucous membrane pemphigoid.
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid is a relatively uncommon vesiculobullous lesion
Rare Vesiculobullous Lesion Clinical Features:
- It usually produces mild erosion or desquamation of the gingival tissue
- Vesicles or bullae arise from mucosal areas that have become erythematous earlier
- In severe cases, large vesicles or bullae develop on the palate, cheek, alveolar mucosa, or tongue
- They are quite large
- They persist for several days
- They are often tense and are relatively tough
- Once the bullae rupture, they leave painful, eroded, or ulcerated areas that heal slowly
Question 4. Pemphigus Vegetans.
Pemphigus Vegetans
- Pemphigus Vegetans is a common form of pemphigus lesion
Pemphigus Vegetans Types:
- Neumann type
- Hallopean type
Pemphigus Vegetans Clinical Features:
- Flaccid bullae appear
- They become eroded and form vegetation
- It becomes covered by purulent exudates
- It exhibits inflamed borders
- It terminates in pemphigus Vulgaris
Pemphigus Vegetans Oral Manifestations:
- Granular/ cobblestone appearance
- Gingival lesions are lace-like ulcers with purulent sur¬face on a red base or have a granular/ cobblestone appearance
Question 5. Define Vesicle And Pustule.
Vesicles are elevated blisters containing dear fluid that are under 1cm in diameter
Pustule refers to loa raised lesion containing purulent material
Question 6. Target lesions
Target Lesions
- Target lesions are a characteristic feature of erythema multiforme
- They appear on extremities
- They are concentric rings resulting from varying shades of erythema giving rise to target, iris, or Bullseye
- They may be purpuric or paler in the center
Question 7. Auspitz sign.
Auspitz Sign
- Auspitz Sign is seen in psoriasis
- If the deep scales on the surface of the lesion are removed, one or two tiny bleeding points are often disclosed
- This phenomenon is known as the “Auspitz sign”
Oral Medicine Dermatological Diseases Viva Voice
- Nikolsky’s sign is a feature of Pemphigus
- Monro’s abscess is found in psoriasis
- Cicatricial pemphigoid primarily afr’ettc s
- Bull’s eye lesion is seen in erythema mar
- A butterfly rash is seen in systemic iu sese: (SLE)
- Antinuclear antibodies are a seer. in. SIS
- Kobner’s phenomenon is seen in Pen mar:
- Pemphigus vulgaris shows fish net pates immunofluorescence