Dentist Act And Association Question And Answers

Dentist Act And Association Important Notes

1. Dentist act

  • Chapter 1: Introductory
  • Chapter 2: Dental Council of India
  • Chapter 3- State Dental Council
  • Chapter 4: Registration
  • Chapter 5-Miscellaneous

2. IDA members

  1. Honorary members – Persons of high scientific or literary attainment
  2. Life members – dental practitioners
  3. Annual members – by paying an annual subscription
  4. Direct members – persons eligible for membership but not residing/ practicing in the area of the local branch
  5. Student members
  6. Affiliate members – Nonresidential foreign dental practitioners having dental qualification

Dentist Act And Association Short Essays

Question 1. Functions of DCI.

Functions of DCI

  • Basic principles for the maintenance of minimum education standard for BDS degree
  • Minimum physical requirement of a dental college
  • Minimum staff pattern for undergraduate dental studies in colleges with 40,60 and 100 admissions
  • Basic qualifications & teaching experience required to teach BDS and MDS students
  • General establishment of dental facilities. Its duration, of course, selection of students
  • Migration & transfer rules for students
  • Regulations of the scheme of exam for BDS & MDS
  • Dental curriculum: time & subject specification to clinical program & field program, syllabus, etc.

Question 2. IDA.


  • It was formed in the year 1949
  • It was registered in Delhi in 1967 with register number S/265


  • Promotion, encouragement & advancement of dental & allied sciences
  • Encourage the members to undertake measures for the improvement of public health & education in India
  • The maintenance of honor & dignity & the upholding of interests of the dental profession & cooperation between the members thereof


  • Holding periodic meetings & conferences
  • Publishing & circulating as a journal
  • Encouraging the opening of libraries
  • Publishing the papers from time to time
  • Encouraging research in dental & allied sciences
  • Conducting an educational campaign
  • Consider & express its views on all questions about the Indian legislation
  • Protects the public from unethical treatment from unqualified practitioners
  • Trying to set exemption from custom duty for essential dental materials & instruments


  • Local branches- within the district
  • State branches- within the state


  • Honorary members
  • Life members
  • Annual members
  • Direct members
  • Student members
  • Affiliate members

Office Bearers:

  • One President
  • One President-Elect
  • Three Vice-President
  • One Honorary General Secretary
  • One Honorary Joint Secretary
  • One Honorary Assistant Secretary
  • One Honorary Treasurer
  • One Editor of The Journal
  • One Chairman of The Council
  • One Honorary Secretary of The Council

Question 3. Dentist Act of India 1948.

Dentist Act of India 1948

Chapter 1: Introductory:

  • Short title & extent
  • Interpretation
  • Construction of reference to laws not in force in Jammu & Kashmir

Chapter 2: Dental Council Of India:

  • Constitution & composition of the council
    • Incorporation of council
    • Mode of elections
    • Term of office & casual vacancies
    • President & Vice President of Council
    • Staff, remuneration & allowances
    • The executive committee
    • Recognition of dental qualification

Dentist Act And Association

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    • Qualification of dental hygienist
    • Qualification of dental mechanics
    • Effect of recognition
    • Power to acquire information as to courses of study & training & examination
    • Inspection
  • Appointment of visitors
    • Withdrawal of recognition
    • Withdrawal of recognition of recognized dental qualification
    • Mode of declaration
    • Professional Conduct
    • The Indian Register
    • Information to be furnished
    • Power to make regulations

Chapter 3: State Dental Council:

  • Constitution & Composition of the State Council
  • Inter-state agreements
  • Composition of the Joint State Council
  • Incorporation of the State Council
  • President & vice president of the state council
  • Mode of election
  • Term of office & casual vacancies
  • Staff, remuneration & allowances
  • Executive committee
  • Information to be furnished

Chapter 4: Registration:

  • Preparation & maintenance of the register
    • First preparation of the register
    • Qualification for entry on first preparation of the register
    • Qualification for subsequent registration
    • Scrutiny of application for registration
    • Special provision for amending the register of the dentist
    • Register of dental hygienist & dental mechanics
    • Qualification for registration as a dental hygienist
    • Qualification for registration as a dental mechanics
    • Renewal fees
    • Entry of additional qualification
    • Removal from register
    • Restoration to register
    • Bar of jurisdiction
    • Issue of duplicate certificate
    • Printing of register
    • Effect of registration
    • Transfer of registration

Chapter 5- Miscellaneous:

  • Penalty for falsely claiming to be registered
  • Misuse of titles
  • Practice by unregistered persons
  • Failure to surrender certification of registration
  • Companies not to engage in dentistry
  • Cognizance of offenses
  • Payment of part of fees to the council
  • Accounts & audit
  • Appointment of Commission of Inquiry
  • Power to make rules

Question 4. Functions of IDA.

Functions of IDA

  • Holding periodic meetings & conferences
  • Publishing & circulating as a journal
  • Encouraging the opening of libraries
  • Publishing the papers from time to time
  • Encouraging research in dental & allied sciences
  • Conducting an educational campaign
  • Consider & express its views on all questions about the Indian legislation
  • Protects the public from unethical treatment from unqualified practitioners
  • Trying to set exemption from custom duty for essential dental materials & instruments

Question 5. Constitution & components of the dental council. (or) Functions Of DCI of India

Dental council

  • Once registered dentist possessing a recognized dental qualification elected by the dentists registered in part A of each state register
  • One member elected from amongst themselves by the members of the Medical Council of India
  • Not more than 4 members are elected from among themselves by
  • Principals, Deans, Directors & Vice Principals of Dental colleges in the states training students for recognized dental qualification provided that not more than one member shall elect from the same dental college
  • Heads of dental wings of medical colleges in the states training students for recognized dental qualification
  • One member from each university established by law in the state which grants a recognized dental qualification to be elected by the members of the Senate of the University
  • One member to represent each state nominated by the government of each such state from among persons registered either in a medical or dental register of the state
  • Six members nominated by the Central Government of whom at least one shall be a registered dentist possessing a recognized dental qualification & practicing or holding an appointment in an institution for the training of dentist & at least two shall be dentists registered in part B of a state register
  • The Director General of Health Services (ex-officio)

Functions Of Dci:

  • Basic principles for the maintenance of minimum education standard for BDS degree
  • Minimum physical requirement of a dental college
  • Minimum staff pattern for undergraduate dental studies in colleges with 40, 60, and 100 admissions
  • Basic qualifications & teaching experience required to teach BDS and MDS students
  • General establishment of dental facilities. Its duration, of course, selection of students
  • Migration & transfer rules for students
  • Regulations of the scheme of exam for BDS & MDS
  • Dental curriculum: time & subject specification to clinical program & field program, syllabus, etc.

Dentist Act And Association Viva Voce

  1. Indian Dental Association was formed in the year 1948.
  2. Indian Dental Association was registered in Delhi in 1967
  3. 10 members of the Central Council are to propose a person to be elected as an honorary member of the IDA.
  4. For the proper management of the IDA, the office bearer’s functions include one president, one president-elect, and three Vice presidents.
  5. The office bearer of IDA who need not reside in the city of head office is the editor of the journal
  6. The general management of the IDA shall be vested in the central council
  7. Those people practicing dentistry as a sole means of living hood without qualification are registered under part B
  8. The Dental Council of India was formed on 12th April 1949
  9. The Consumer Protection Act came into force on 15th April 1987
  10. The Consumer Protection Act was amended in 1993.

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