Corynebacterium Diphtheriae Question and Answers

Corynebacterium Long Essays

Question 1. Describe the morphology, cultural characteristic, and laboratory diagnosis of Corynebacterium diphtheria.

Corynebacterium Diphtheria:

  • Morphology:
    • C. Diphtheria bacillus are thin slender rods.
    • They are gram-positive bacilli.
    • They are pleomorphic, nonsporting, non-motile, and non-capsulated.
    • Size – approx 3-6 pm x 0.6 – 0.8 pm.
    • They show clubbing at one or both ends.
    • They have intracellular polyphosphate granules known as metachromatic or volutin or Babes-Ernst granules usually situated at the poles of bacilli.
    • They are arranged in pairs or small groups.
    • They frequently remains attached after division, which gives them Chinese letter or cuneiform arrangement.
    • The granules represent energy storage depots.

Corynebacterium Morphology of C. diphtheriae

Corynebacterium diphtheria Cultural characteristics:

  • C. Diphtheria grows at a temperature 37°C and pH – 7.3.

Corynebacterium Cultural characteristics of Corynebacterium diphtheria

Corynebacterium Laboratory Diagnosis:

1. Corynebacterium Direct microscopy.

  • Gram staining.
    • Shows gram-positive bacilli.
  • Albert staining.
    • Shows beaded slender green rods in a typical Chinese letter pattern.

2. Corynebacterium Culture.

  • Loeffler’s serum slope.
    • Growth appears within 6.8 hours in it
  • Tellurite blood agar.
    • Incubated at 37°C for at least 48 hours.
  • Blood agar.
    • Differentiate streptococcal or staphylococcal pharyngitis.

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

3. Corynebacterium Biochemical reactions.

  • It ferments carbohydrates like glucose and maltose.
  • It reduces N03.
  • It is catalase-positive and oxidase negative.

4. Corynebacterium Virulence test

  • It demonstrates its toxicity.
  1. In vivo tests:
  • Subcutaneous test:
    • Methods:
      • Growth from an overnight culture on Loeffler’s slope is emulsified in 2 – 4 ml broth.
      • 0.8 ml of it is injected subcutaneously into two guinea pigs.
      • One of the pigs is protected with prior administration of 500 units of diphtheria antitoxin.
    • Result:
      • Virulent strains cause the death of unprotected animals within 4 days.
  • Intracutaneous test:
    • Method:
      • Broth emulsion is injected intracutaneously of about 0.1 ml into two guinea pigs.
      • One of them is protected with 500 units of diphtheria antitoxin – control animal.
      • Test animal is protected with 50 units of diphtheria antitoxin.
  • Result:
      • Virulent strain causes.
      • Inflammatory reaction at the site of injection which progresses to necrosis in 48 – 72 hours in test animals.
      • No change – in control animal.

2. In vitro tests:

  • Eleck’s get precipitation test.
    • It is an in vitro immunodiffusion test.
      • Method:
        • A rectangular strip of filter paper impregnated with diphtheria antitoxin is placed on the surface of a 20% horse serum agar while the medium is still fluid.
        • The surface is dried.
        • Once the agar is set, narrow streaks of the test strains are made at a right angle to the filter paper strip.
        • A positive and negative control is set.
        • The plate is incubated at 37°C for 24 – 48 hours.
      • Result:
        • Virulent strains produces arrow head lines of pre-cipitation where the bacterial toxin meets with the antitoxin in optimum concentration.

Corynebacterium Eleck's gel precipitation test

2. Tissue culture.

  • It demonstrates the toxigenicity of C. diphtheria.
  • The toxins produced diffuse into the cells below and kill them.

Question 2. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis, and immunization of corynebacterium diphtheria.

immunization of corynebacterium Pathogenesis:

  • The incubation period in diphtheria is 3 – 4 days or maybe as short as 1 day.
  • It is most commonly seen in children of 2 – 10 years.
  • Site of infection are:
    • Faucial – common.
    • Laryngeal
    • Nasal
    • Conjunctival
    • Otitic
    • Vulvovaginal
    • Cutaneous.
  • It causes local as well as systemic effects.
  • Cutaneous diphtheria may be present as a simple pustule or chronic non-healing ulcer.

1. immunization of corynebacterium Local effects:

CorynebacteriumLocal effects

2. immunization of corynebacterium Systemic effects:

  • Diphtheria toxin diffuses into bloodstream and causes toxemia.
  • It acts systematically on the cells of cardiac tissue, adrenal, and nerve endings.
  • Complications associated with tissue damage at.
    • Heart – Cardiac dysfunction, myocarditis, and circulatory shock.
    • Nervous system – Demyelination, paralysis of throat muscle, and polyneuritis.


1. Active immunization:

  • It is started at 6 weeks of age by toxoid in combination with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (DPT].
  • It is given by intramuscular route.
    • First dose      – 6 weeks
    • Second dose – 10 weeks
    • Third dose     – 14 weeks
    • Booster dose   – 18 months and 5 years

2. Passive immunization.

  • It is an emergency measure
  • It consists of subcutaneous administration of 500 – 1000 units of antitoxin or antidiphtheric serum (ADS).
  • Used in susceptible exposed to infection.

3. Combined immunization.

  • It should be given in all persons receiving ADS as prophylactic measures.
  • It consists of an alum-containing preparation like an alum-precipitated toxoid.

Corynebacterium Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Name two media used for the cultivation of diphtheria.

Media used for the cultivation of diphtheria are.

  1. Loeffler’s serum slope.
  2. Tellurite blood agar.
  3. Hiss’s serum water.

Question 2. Name different specifies of genus corynebacterium.

Various species of genus Corynebacterium are:

  1. C. Diphtheria.
  2. C. ulcerans.
  3. C. Minutissimum.
  4. C. Tenuis.
  5. C. Pseudodiphtheriticum.
  6. C. Parvum.

Question 3. Staining of diphtheria.

On staining of diphtheria -with Albert’s stain.

  1. Bacilli – looks green.
  2. Granules – Appear bluish-black.

Question 4. Types of C.diphtheria.

Based on colony morphology, there are 3 types of C. Diphtheria they are as follows.

Corynebacterium Types of C. diphtheria

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