Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Important Notes

1. Radius of action.

  • States that local resorbing factors must be present in close proximity of bone, to exert their effect.
  • According to Waerhaug range of effectiveness is 1.5-2.5 mm
  • Beyond 2.5 mm, there is no effect and are thus unable to cause bone resorption
  • Large def effect far exceeding 2.5mm from tooth surface is caused by the presence of bacteria in the tissues

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Short Essays

Question 1. Mechanism of bone.

1. Bone formation:

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Bone formation

2. Bone destruction:

1. Local factors:

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Bone formation.

Replacement of fatty bone marrow with fibrous type

2. Trauma from occlusion

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Trauma from occlusion

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

3. Combination

  • Systemic factors:
    • Osteoporosis
    • Hyperparathyroidism
    • Leukemia

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction Short Answers

Question 1. Bone factor concept.

  • By Glickman
  • Explains the role of Systemic factors in bone resorption
  • States that when there is a generalized tendency towards bone resorption, bone loss initiated by local inflammation gets magnified.


  • Osteoporosis in post-menopausal women
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Leukemia

Question 2. Agents of Bone resorption.

1. Complement

Bone Loss And Patterns Of Bone Destruction agents of bone resorption

2. Flurbiprofen

Question 3. The radius of action.

  • States that local resorbing factors must be present in close proximity of bone, to exert their effect.
  • According to Waerhaug range of effectiveness is 1.5-2.5 mm
  • Beyond 2.5 mm, there is no effect and are thus unable to cause bone resorption

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