Sterilization And Disinfection Long Essays

Sterilization And Disinfection Important Notes

1. Disinfection:

  • It is the destruction or removal of all pathogenic organisms or organisms capable of giving rise to infection

2. Sterilization controls:

Sterilization And Disinfection Sterilization controls

Sterilization And Disinfection Long Essays

Question 1. Define sterilization. Describe an autoclave.

Sterilization Definition:

  • Sterilization is a process by which an article surface or medium is made free of all micro-organisms either in vegetative (or) spore form.


  • Autoclaving is the process of sterilization by saturated steam under high pressure above 100°C temperature.

Sterilization And Disinfection Questions And Answers

Autoclave Principle:

  • Water boils when its vapour pressure equals that of the surrounding atmosphere
  • When the atmospheric pressure is raised then the boiling temperature is also raised
  • At normal pressure, water boils at 100° C but when the pressure inside a closed vessel increases, the temperature at which water boils also increases

Components of Autoclave:

Sterilization And Disinfection A simple autoclave

  • Autoclave is a modified pressure cooker (or) boiler.
  • It consists of a vertical (or) horizontal cylinder made up of gunmetal (or) stainless steel in a supporting sheet iron case.
  • The lid has screw clamps and is made airtight by an asbestos washer.
  • Structures present in the lid are
  • Discharge tap – for air and steam
  • A pressure gauge
  • Safety valve.
  • Heating is generally done by electricity.

Autoclave Procedure:

Sterilization And Disinfection Autoclave procedure

Read And Learn More: Microbiology Question and Answers

Sterilization Conditions:

Sterilization And Disinfection Sterilization conditions

Question 2. Write moist heat sterilization and dry heat method of sterilization.

Moist Heat Sterilization:

  • Moist heat kills micro-organisms by
    • Denaturation and coagulation of proteins.
  • Methods of sterilization may be used at different temperatures as follows.

1. At a temperature below 100°C.

  • Pasteurisation of milk: Two types of method
    • Holder method – 63°C for 30 min
    • Flash method – 72°C for 15 – 20 seconds
  • Organisms like mycobacterium and brucellae are killed.
  • Inspissation:
    • Inspissator is used.
    • The slow solidification of serum (or) egg is carried out at 80°C temperature for 30 minutes daily on 3 consecutive days.
  • Vaccine bath:
    • Bacterial vaccines are sterilized in special vaccine baths at 60°C for one hour.

2. At a temperature 100°C

  • Boiling:
    • Boiling for 10 to 30 min may kill most of vegetative forms but not spores.
    • Glass syringes, and rubber stoppers can be sterilized
  • Tyndallisation:
    • Steam at 100°C for 20 minutes on 3 successive days is used.
    • Also known as intermittent sterilization.
    • The first exposure kills all vegetative forms
    • In the interval between the heating the remain¬ing spores germinate into vegetative forms, which are killed on subsequent heating.
    • Egg serum, sugar containing media can be steril¬ised.
  • Steam steriliser at 100°C for 90 minutes.
    • Koch’s (or) Arnold’s steam steriliser is used.
    • Usually used for media which are decomposed at high temperature.

3. At a temperature above 100°C.

  • Autoclave:
    • In this method material for sterilization is exposed to 121°C for 15 – 20 min at 15 lbs per square inch
    • Autoclave is used for culture media, rubber materials, syringes, and dressings

Dry Heat Sterilization:

The following procedures are under dry heat

Red heat

  • Inoculating wires (or) loops, tips of forceps, and needles are held in the flame of a Bunsen burner till they become red hot


  • Glass slides, and scalpels are passed through bunsen flame without allowing them to become red hot


  • By this method infective material is reduced to ashes by burning.
  • Solid dressings, animal carcasses, bedding, and pathological materials are dealt with in this method.

Hot air oven:

  • Most widely used dry heat method of sterilization.
  • Sterilization requires 160°C for 2 hours.
  • Glasswares, surgical instruments, and chemicals can be sterilized.

Sterilization And Disinfection Reststance Of Microorganisms

Question 3. Classify sterilization. Write briefly about chemical methods of sterilization.

  • Sterilization Classification:
    • Physical methods:
      • Sunlight
      • Heat
        • Dry heat
        • Moist heat
      • Filtration
      • Radiation.
    • Chemical Methods:
      • Alcohols
      • Aldehydes
      • Phenols
      • Halogens
      • Oxidising agents
      • Salts
      • Surface active agents
      • Gases
      • Dyes

Chemical Methods of Sterilization:

Sterilization And Disinfection Chemical methods of sterilization

Question 4. Write about physical methods of sterilization

Sterilization And Disinfection Questions And Answers

Physical Methods of Sterilization:

Sterilization And Disinfection Physical methods of sterilization

Question 5. Define and differentiate sterilization and disinfection.

Difference between sterilization and disinfection

Sterilization And Disinfection Differentiate sterilization and disinfection

Sterilization And Disinfection Short Essays

Question 1. Seitz filter

Seitz filter

  • Seitz filters are a type of asbestos filter.
  • These are made up of asbestos (magnesium silicate)
  • The filter disc is supported on a metal mount
  • The filter is attached to a vacuum flask through a silicone rubber bung.
  • After use the filter disc is discarded.
  • These filters have a high absorbing capacity.

Seitz filter Disadvantage:

  • The carcinogenic potential of the filters.

Seitz filter Uses:

  • To sterilise sera, sugars, and antibiotic solutions
  • Sterlisation of hydatid fluid.
  • Purification of water.

Question 2. Hot air oven

Hot air oven

  • The most widely used sterilization method by dry beat

About oven:

  • It is electrically heated and is fitted with a fan to ensure adequate and even distribution of hot air in the chamber.
  • Thermostat is fitted to maintain the chamber air at a chosen temperature.

Hot air oven Temperature and Time:

  • 160°C for 2 hours

Hot air oven Uses:

  • Used for sterilization of
    • Glasswares like glass syringes, flasks, and test tubes
    • Surgical instruments like scalpels, and scissors.
    • Chemicals such as liquid paraffin, and fats.

Hot air oven Precautions:

  • Should not be overloaded.
  • Materials should be arranged in a manner that allows free circulation of air.
  • Materials to be sterilized should be perfectly dry.
  • Allow proper time for cooling at least 2 hours especially for glassware to prevent cracking.
  • Any inflammable material should not be kept inside the oven.

Sterilisation Control:

  • Spore test:
    • Non-toxigenic strains of cltetani are kept inside the oven.
    • Spores will be destroyed if sterilization is proper.
    • Browns tube with green – color spot is available. The green colour is produced after effective sterilization.

Question 3. Disinfection
Antiseptics and disinfectants

Antiseptics and disinfectants

  • Antiseptic is an agent that destroys micro-organisms an contact and can be used on living tissue.
  • A disinfectant is used on inanimate objects to de- struct all pathogenic organisms but not spores.

Disinfection Ideal Requirements:

  • Have a wide spectrum of activity.
  • Act in the presence of organic matter.
  • Have high penetration power and quick action.
  • Be safe and easy to use.
  • Not cause local irritation.
  • Be easily available and cheap.
  • Not cause local irritation.
  • Be easily available and cheap.
  • Not corrode metals.
  • Be stable
  • Be effective in acidic as well as alkaline conditions

Disinfection Classification:

  • Acids – Boric acid, benzoic acid.
  • Alcohols – Ethanol, isopropyl alcohol.
  • Aldehydes – Formaldehyde, glutraldehyde
  • Surfactants – Soaps, cetrimide
  • Cetyl pyridinium chloride.
  • Phenol Derivatives; Phenol, cresol, Chlorhexidine, Hexachlorophene.
  • Halogens: Iodine, Idophores, Chlorine, Chloramines.
  • Oxidizing agents: Hydrogen .peroxide, Benzoyl peroxide
  • Dyes: Gential violet, Methylene blue.
  • Metallic salts: Silver nitrate, Zinc compounds.

Disinfection Uses in Dentistry:

  • As a component of mouthwashes [chloroxylenol, chlor-hexidine]
  • For gargling [potassium permagnates]
  • For root canal therapy [ sodium hypochlorite]
  • As gum paints [dequalinium chloride]

Question 4. Tyndallization


  • Steam at 100°C for 20 minutes on 3 successive days is used.
  • Also known as intermittent sterilization.
  • The first exposure kills all vegetative forms
  • In the interval between the heating the remaining spores germinate into vegetative forms, which are killed on subsequent heating.
  • Egg, serum, and sugar-containing media can be sterilized.

Question 5. Cold sterilization

Cold sterilization

  • X-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays are ionizing radiations.
  • This method is also known as cold sterilization.
  • Have high penetration power and are highly lethal to DNA and other vital constituents
  • They damage DNA by various mechanisms.
  • Used for sterilization of disposable items such as plastic syringes, swabs, and culture plates.
  • Gamma rays are commercially used for sterilization.

Sterilization And Disinfection Short Question And Answers

Question 1. Moist heat

Moist heat

  • Moist heat is one of the physical methods of sterilization

Moist heat Principle:

  • Kills by denaturation and coagulation of proteins

Moist heat Types:

  • This method may be used at different temperatures as follows:
  • Temperature less than 100° C- pasteurization, in- aspirations, vaccine bath
  • Temperature equal to 100° C- boiling, tyndillisation
  • Temperature more than 100° C- autoclave

Question 2. Autoclave.


  • It is a method of moist heat sterilization
  • It kills the micro-organisms by denaturation and coagulation of proteins
  • In this method, material for sterilization is exposed to 121°C for 15-20 min at 15 lbs per square inch
  • Uses: Used for sterilization of
    • Culture media
    • Rubber articles
    • Syringes and surgical instruments
    • OT gowns, dressing materials
    • Endodontic instruments
    • Hand instruments

Question 3. Pasteurization


  • It is method of moist heat sterilization
  • It kills the micro-organisms by denaturation and coagulation of proteins
  • Temperature below 100°C is used
  • Organisms like mycobacterium, and brucellae are killed by this process

Pasteurization Types:

  • Holder method – 63°C for 30 min
  • Flash method – 72°C for 15-20 seconds

Sterilization And Disinfection Viva Voce

  1. A hot air oven is method of dry heat sterilization
  2. Autoclave is a method of moist heat sterilization
  3. Rideal Walker test is used to test the efficiency of a disinfectant
  4. 2% glutaraldehyde is known as CIDEX
  5. The germicidal effect of sunlight is due to its ultraviolet rays
  6. Chlorhexidine is most effective against Gram-positive organism
  7. Ionizing radiation are lethal to DNA

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