Respiratory Diseases Short Essays

Diseases Of The Respiratory System Short Essays

Question 1. Complications of pneumonia


Complications of pneumonia

Diseases Of The Respiratory System Complications Of Pneumonia

Question 2. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis


Pulmonary Tuberculosis Principles

  • To administer multiple drugs
  • To add atleast 2 new drugs in case of failure
  • To provide safest and most effective therapy shortest period of time
  • To ensure compliance to treatment

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Drugs

  • Anti-tubercular drugs that are used for treating it are as follows:
  • Four or three drugs are choosen from the drugs meant for first-line treatment for new cases
  • Response to treatment is assessed by
    • Gain in body weight
    • Improved appetite
    • Improvement in general health – Fall in ESR
    • Conversion of sputum from positive to negative
  • Primary or secondary resistance to drugs may develop when patient consume the drugs in irregular dose or take the drugs irregularly
  • In such cases, second-line drugs are used
  • Drugs:
    • PAS (Paraminosalicyclic acid) – 5 g BID orally
    • Ethionamide – 0.75 -1 g/day orally
    • Capromycin – 0.75-1 g IM daily
    • Cycloserine – 0.75-1 g/ day orally
    • Ciprofloxacin – 500-750 mg BID orally
    • Ofloxacin – 400 mg BID

Diseases Of The Respiratory System Treatment Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Question 3. Four causes of clubbing



  • It is enlargement of distal segment of fingers and toes due to increase in soft tissues

Clubbing Causes:

  1. Disorders of heart
    • Cyanotic heart disease
    • Subacute bacterial endocarditis
  2. Disorders of lung
    • Suppuration of lung
      • Bronchiectasis
      • Lung abscess
      • Suppurative pneumonia
    • Tumours of lung
      • Mesothelioma
      • Primary lung cancer
      • Metastatic lung cancer
  3. Disorder of GI tract and liver
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
      • Regional ileitis
      • Ulcerative colitis
      • Malabsorption syndrome
    • Cirrhosis of liver
    • Malignancy of liver
  4. Hereditary or idiopathic

Read And Learn More: General Medicine Question and Answers

Question 4. Mantouxtest
Tuberculin test



  • It is routinely used method for tuberculin testing


  • 0.1 ml of purified protein derivative, PPD containing 5 TU( tuberculin unit) is injected intradermally into flexor ascept of forearm
  • It is given between layers of the skin
  • The site is examined after 48-72 hours for induration


Diseases Of The Respiratory System Mantoux Test Or Tubercullin Test Result


Diseases Of The Respiratory System Mantoux Test Or Tubercullin Test Significance

Question 5. Lung abscess


Lung abscess

  • It is collection of purulent material in a localised necrotic area of lung parenchyma


  1. Infection without obstruction
    • Aspiration of nasopharyngeal contents
    • Involvement of various organisms like staphylococcus, Kleibsella, gram negative and anaerobic organisms
    • Formation of abscess
    • Metastatic spread of infection
  2. Obstruction with or without infection
    • Bronchus obstruction due to tumor, foreign body, lymph node
    • Bronchial collapse
    • Abscess formation

Lung Abscess Clinical Features:

  • High-grade fever with chills and rigors
  • Pleuritic chest pain
  • Dry cough
  • Presence of copious purulent discharge
  • Haemoptysis
  • Weight loss, anorexia
  • Empysema

Question 6. Dyspnoea



  • It is abnormal and uncomfortable breathing which makes the patient aware of it


  1. Cardiac causes
    • Cyanotic congenital heart disease
    • Left ventricular failure
    • Systemic hypertension
    • Chronic thromboembolism
  2. Pulmonary
    • Obstructive diseases
      • Bronchial asthma
      • Bronchiectasis
      • COPD
    • Parenchymal lung diseases
      • Acute pneumonia
    • Pulmonary vascular diseases
      • Thromboembolism
    • Respiratory muscle diseases
      • Severe kyphoscoliosis
  3. Cardiopulmonary’causes
    • Corpulmonale
  4. Others
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Carbon monoxide poisoning
    • Severe anaemia

Dyspnoea Types:

Diseases Of The Respiratory System Dyspnoea Types

Question 7. Bronchodilators



  • Various bronchodilators are
  1. Sympathomimetics
    • Adrenaline
    • Ephedrine
    • lsoprenaline
    • Salbutamol
    • Terbutaline
  2. Methylxanthines
    • Theophylline
    • Aminophylline
  3. Anticholinergics
    • Atropine
    • Methonitrate
    • Ipratropium bromide

Bronchodilators Actions:

  • Improves effectiveness of cough in clearing secretions by increasing surface velocity of airflow during cough

Question 8. Clinical signs of emphysema


Clinical signs of emphysema

  • Emphysema means inflation or distension with air


Diseases Of The Respiratory System Clinical Sign Of Emphysema

Question 10. Haematemesis- causes and investigations


Haematemesis Definition:

  • It is vomiting of blood

Haematemesis Causes:

  • Prolonged and vigorous retching
  • Irritation or erosion of the lining of the esophagus or stomach
  • Bleeding ulcer located in the stomach, duodenum, or oesophagus
  • Vomiting of ingested blood
  • Vascular malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Tumours of the stomach or oesophagus
  • Radiation poisoning
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer

Haematemesis Management:

  1. Minimal blood loss
    • Administration of proton pump inhibitors like omeprazole
    • Blood transfusion
  2. Significant blood loss
    • Resuscitation
    • Fluid and/or blood administration
    • Use of a cuffed endotracheal tube

Question 11. Aspiration pneumonia


  • It is the consolidation of the lung in which there is the continued destruction of parenchyma by the inflammatory cells leading to the formation of microabscesses

Aspiration Pneumonia Clinical Features:

  • High intermittent fever
  • Cough
  • Dyspnoea
  • Tachycardia
  • Restlessness
  • Perspiration
  • Weight loss
  • Digital clubbing

Aspiration Pneumonia Compiicatons:

  • Empyema
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Amyloidosis
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Septicaemia

Aspiration Pneumonia Treatment:

  • Oral amoxicillin 500 mg 8 hourly or
  • Cotrimoxazole 9960 mg 12 hourly or
  • Oral metronidazole 400 mg 8 hourly
  • Analgesic for pleuritic pain
  • Physiotherapy
  • Postural drainage for lung abscess

Respiratory Diseases The Breakdown Of Number Of Problems

Question 12. BCG vaccination


BCG vaccination

  • BCG vaccine was prepared by Calmette and Guerin
  • It is a live attenuated and freeze-dried vaccine

BCG vaccination Dose and Administration:

  • It is available as a fresh liquid vaccine or in the form of freeze-dried vaccine
  • It is given intradermally in a dose of 0.1 ml soon after birth

BCG vaccination Immune Response:

  • Induces a self-limited infection with multiplication and dissemination of the bacillus in different organs and production of small tubercles
  • It gives rise to delayed hypersensitivity

BCG vaccination Complications:

  • Local abscess, indolent ulcer, keloid, confluent lesion, lupoid lesion
  • Regional enlargement and suppuration of draining lymph nodes
  • Systemic fever, mediastinal adenitis
  • Erythema nodosum

BCG vaccination Contraindications:

  • In patients with AIDS, eczema, pertussis, measles, and patient on steroids

Role of BCG:

  • Makes the disease milder
  • Prevents serious forms of disease

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