Questionnaire Periodontics Short And Long Essay Question And Answers

Questionnaire Short Question and Answers

Question 1. Tooth mobility.

Tooth mobility Causes:

Questionaire Tooth mobility

Tooth mobility Grading:

Grade 1: Horizontal mobility of about 0.2-1mm

Grade 2: Horizontal mobility of about more than 1 mm

Grade 3: Horizontal and vertical mobility of teeth.

Question 2. Inter-dental Alds.

Type 1:

  • Interdental papilla completely fills the embrasure space
  • Dental floss can be used

Type 2:

  • Mild loss of inter-dental papilla
  • Miniature bottle brushes are advised

Type 3:

  • No proximal contact present
  • Unitufted brushes are used

Question 3. Retrograde Periodontitis.

  • Periodontitis can also be caused by pulpal infections that have entered the periodontal ligament either through the apical foramen or through the lateral canal.
  • Such a lesion is termed retrograde periodontitis

Question 4. Wasting Diseases.

1. Attrition:

  • It is the occlusal wear resulting from functional contact with opposing teeth

Questionaire Attrition of mandibular teeth

2. Abrasion:

  • It refers to the loss of tooth substance induced by mechanical wear other than that of mastication.

Questionaire Abrasion

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

3. Erosion:

  • It is a sharply defined wedge-shaped depression in the cervical area of the facial tooth surface.

Questionaire Erosion of maxillary lateral incisor

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