Periodontal Structures in Aging Humans Notes

Periodontal Structures in Aging Humans

Periodontal Structures In Aging Humans Important Notes

1. Aging in the gingiva

  • Thinning and reduced keratinization
  • Increase in epithelial permeability
  • Flattening of recipes
  • Increase in width of attached gingiva
  • Migration of junctional epithelium apically

2. Aging in the periodontal ligament

  • Decreased cellularity
  • Decreased vascularity
  • Decreased mitotic activity
  • Decrease in the number of collagen fibers
  • Increase in arteriosclerotic changes
  • Decrease in the number of epithelial rests of Malassez
  • Increase in diameter of a collagen fiber bundle
  • Increase in cementless

3. Aging in cementum

  • The smooth surface becomes irregular
  • Hypercementosis
  • The permeability of cementum decreases with age
  • Increase in cemental width
  • Accumulation of resorption bays

4. Aging in alveolar bone

  • The irregular periodontal surface of a bone

Periodontal Structures In Aging Humans Short Essays

Question 1. Aging and Periodontium.

Age Changes In Gingiva:

1. Epithelium:

  • Thinning of epithelium
  • Decreased Keratinization
    • Passage of bacteria into connective tissue
    • The greater amount of intracellular substance

2. Connective Tissue:

  • ↓ connective tissue cellularity
  • ↓oxygen consumption
  • ↑ mast cell
  • Atrophy of CT

3. Macroscopic:

  • Gingival recession
  • Passive eruption of the tooth
  • ↑ denaturing temperature

Age Changes in Periodontal Ligament:

↓ Vasucalarity

Elastic fibers

↓ organic matrix

↑ width with less number of teeth present

↓ mitotic activity

↓ collagen fibers

↓ width with ↓ masticatory muscle strength

Read And Learn More: Periodontics Question and Answers

Age changes in alveolar bone


↓ Vascularity

↓metabolic rate

↓ healing capacity

↓bone formation ↑ bone resorption

Age changes in cementum:

↑ cemental width, more apically and lingually




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