Pedodontics Practice Management Question And Answers

Practice Management Short Essays

Question 1. Pediatric Practice Management.


1. Office:

  • Reception Area:
    • Educated receptionist
    • The receptionist should offer correct information in a friendly manner in response to the inquiries.
    • Should speak clearly in a well-modulated tone.
    • Should converse in an efficient manner.
    • The area should have an attractive And comfortable environment.
    • Neutral colors should be applied on the walls.
    • Decorate with posters related to circus, and nursery rhymes to relieve fear And anxiety.
    • An aquarium is placed.
    • Soothing, muffled music is played.
    • Attractive books And toys for children should be available.
  • Appointment Schedules:
    • Scheduling must be efficiently maintained by the receptionist
    • Scheduling must be according to the patient’s And parent’s comfort.
    • Morning appointments are preferable as the child will be fresh And active.
    • Length of the appointment should be as short as possible.
    • Longer appointments should be scheduled first.

2. Ancillary Personnel:

  • Assistant is extremely important.
  • It decreases the length of dental appointments.
  • Results in less fatigue to the dentist.

3. Administration:

  • Fees must be revised.
  • It must be according to:
  • Work load on the dentist
  • Annual production hours
  • Working days per year

4. Infection Control Measures:

  • Personal protective measures for the dental personnel for protection against cross infection.

Read And Learn More: Pedodontics Short Essays Question And Answers

  • Sterilization of instruments.

5. Clinical Maintenance:

  • Ventilated clinic.
  • The clinic must be constructed farther from the noisy And polluted environment but the same time it must be easily reachable by the patients.

6. Extra Room:

  • Health Education room
    • Oral hygiene instructions are given
    • Dietary counseling given
  • Consultation room
    • For providing detailed information And a review of major diagnosis.
    • It should not exceed more than 45 minutes.

Question 2. Discuss the child’s first visit to the pedodontic clinic.
Question 2. Describe management of the child in the dental office.


Steps In Management Of Child:

  • Assess the oral health of the child.
  • Inquire/Record the medical, dental, And family history of the patient.
  • The patient is made to rest in a supine position with legs slightly elevated.
  • The Assistant’s arm is held slightly above the child’s chest.
  • Dentist operates in a sitting position on a comfortable stool.
  • All instruments are placed near the dentist but far from the sight of patient.
  • Everything needed for any specific procedure should be within easy reach without leaving the chair.
  • All instruments are handed to And removed from the dentist’s hand by the assistant called “four-handed dentistry”.


  • Emergency procedures are carried out to relieve pain And infection.
  • Introduction of preventive plaque control program.
  • Restorative therapy is started at the third visit
  • Next orthodontic Andprosthodontic care is done.
  • Recall for any further complicated procedures.

Question 3. Setup of pedodontics clinic


  • A dental office serving pediatric dental practitioners should consider the age range of the patients using the facilities
  • An attractive and comfortable environment should be designed for both children and parents
  • Neutral colors such as beige or light shades of green or blue for the wall decor promote a tranquil feeling and permit the use of attractive colored accessories
  • Decorations depicting definite settings such as circus, outer space or nursery rhymes add to the warmth and fantasy of the office and tend to dispel fear
  • An aquarium is always a source of entertainment and may be placed either in the reception room or in the treatment room
  • Soothing, muffle music in the reception room has a comforting effect on both the parent as well as the patient
  • Children are attracted to toys and comic books
  • Selected toys, building blocks and wall-attached activity centers have proved to be the main attraction for them

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