Introduction To Pedodontics Question And Answers

Introduction To Pedodontics


1. Pediatric Dentistry

  • It is an age-defined specialty that provides both primary comprehensive, preventive therapeutic oral health care for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs

Introduction To Pedodontics Important Notes

1. Pedodontic treatment triangle

  • It is based on a one-to-two relationship i.e. dentist-child patient family
  • A child is at the apex of the triangle

Introduction To Pedodontics Short Essays

Question 1. Define pedodontics and write about the scope of pedodontics.



By American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry:

Pediatric Dentistry is an age-defined specialty that provides primary comprehensive, preventive therapeutic oral health care for infants children through adolescence including those with special health care needs.

Scope Of Pedodontics:

  • It refers to the range of activities considered in the practice of Pedodontics.

Pedodontics involves:

  • Dental needs of the child patient
  • Basics in pediatric medicine
  • General oral pathology
  • Growth development
  • Child psychology
  • Restoration of carious teeth
  • Treatment of dental pulp
  • Maintenance of tooth space
  • Preventive dentistiy

Present Trends:

  • Preventive dentistry
  • Public health dentistry
  • Child psychology

Read And Learn More: Pedodontics Short Essays Question And Answers

  • Clinical dentistry
  • Preventive interceptive Orthodontics
  • Special care dentistry
  • Genetics

Forensic Pedodontics:
Introduction To Pedodontics Scope of pedodontics

Introduction To Pedodontics Short Answers

Question 1. Pedodontics Treatment Triangle.


  • Given by Wright in 1975.
  • It describe the difference between child adult patient.

Introduction To Pedodontics Pedodontic treatment triangle

Introduction To Pedodontics Modified Pedodontic treatment triangle

  • The child is at the apex of the triangle.
  • The ratio is 1:2 in child patients.
  • Dentists have to communicate with patients as well as the child’s parents.
  • It is a two-way conversation i.e.
    • Dentists communicate with patients, and patients communicate with the dentist
    • Children communicate with parents, and parents communicate with the child
    • Parents communicate with the dentist, dentist communicates with a parent.
  • In the modified pedodontics triangle, society is placed in the center.

Question 2. Maintenance Phase.


Depending on oral hygiene status 3-6 months recall visit is planned.

It is for the following:

  • Evaluating oral health status of patient.
  • Carry out caries activity test.
  • Oral hygiene instructions are given.
  • Parent re-counseling.
  • Followup procedures

Introduction To Pedodontics Viva Voce

  1. Robert Bunon is a father of pedodontics

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