Axilla Question And Answers
Question 1. What is axilla and what are its boundaries and contents?
- Axilla or armpit is a four side pyramidal space located between the upper part of the arm and chest wall.
- It has apex, base, anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral walls.
Axilla Apex:
- It is directed upwards and medially towards the root of the neck.
- It is truncated, not pointed.
- Axillary artery and brachial plexus enters the axilla through the apex and the passage is called cervicoaxillary canal.
Axilla Base:
- It is directed downwards.
- It is formed by skin, superfiial fascia, and axillary fascia.
Axilla Anterior wall:
- It is formed by:
- Pectoralis major in front
- Clavipectoral fascia enclosing pectoralis minor and subclavius deep to pectoralis major muscle
Posterior wall:
- It is formed by:
- Subscapularis above
- Latissimus dorsi and teres major below
Axilla Medial wall:
- It is formed by:
- 1st to 4th ribs and their intercostal muscles
- Upper part of serratus anterior muscle
Axilla Lateral wall:
- It is very narrow
- It is formed by:
- Upper part of the shaft of the humerus
- Short head of biceps brachi and coracobrachialis
Read And Learn More: Anatomy Question And AnswersÂ
- Contents
- Axillary artery and its branches
- Axillary vein and its tributaries
- Part of brachial plexus below clavicle
- Five groups of axillary lymph nodes and associated lymphatics
- Long thoracic and intercostobrachial nerves
- Axillary fat and areolar tissue
Axilla Multiple Choice Question
Question 1. Which of the following forms the anterior fold of the axilla?
- Pectoralis major
- Pectoralis major and pectoralis minor
- Pectoral muscles and subclavius
- Clavipectoral fascia
Answer: 1. Pectoralis major